Contact us

State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

Dept. Investment, International Business and Cluster Promotion

Mainzerhofstraße 12
99084 Erfurt
Phone: +49 (0) 361 5603-450
Fax: +49 (0) 361 5603-328
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News Current news from Thuringia

More industrial land developed in Thuringia

More industrial land developed in Thuringia

The state of Thuringia is creating the best possible environment for companies and investors from all over the world who want to operate from the heart of Europe by expanding its two largest industrial estates, Kölleda-Kiebitzhöhe and…

Thuringia supports investments in business.


Attractive investment incentives
Thuringia supports investments in business in a proven way by means of investment subsidies as part of the Joint Scheme for Improving Regional Economic Structures (Gemeinschaftsaufgabe zur Verbesserung der…


6 April 2017
Thuringia IT Exhibition
(IT Leistungsschau Thüringen)
‘The digital revolution’

April 24 – 28, 2017
Hannover Messe
‘Get new technology first’

May 15 – 18,2017
CMEF China Medical Equipment Fair

June 22, 2017

Aeropharm on the up and up

Aeropharm on the up and up

Rudolstadt developer and producer of eyedrops and asthma medication AEROPHARM is celebrating its 15th anniversary by expanding and doubling its staff. Its parent company, Swiss pharmaceuticals giant Novartis, is to invest more than €60…

On the trail of special fibers

On the trail of special fibers

18 companies and three research institutes in Thuringia and Saxony have attracted €10 million in Federal Government funding by joining forces to develop tailored specialized fibers and photonics applications.



‘Get Connected’ was the motto of the first Industry-Innovation-Dialogue (IID) at Ilmenau University of Technology. The Thuringian ClusterManagement (ThCM) team designed the series of events to significantly speed up and improve the exchange…

Protection from ‘flying germs’: the HyFly research project investigates pathogens in airports and aviation. Coordinated by FSU Jena (Friedrich Schiller University) as part of the InfectControl 2020 consortium, it is supported by the Federal…

The Dutch King and Queen visited the Free State in February.

‘Welkom’ to Thuringia

King Willem-Alexander I and Queen Máxima of The Netherlands visited Thuringia in February for two days to search for cultural and historical traces in the state and to strengthen economic and scientific ties in the areas of optics,…

Showing off Apolda’s gardens

Showing off Apolda’s gardens

From 29 April to 24 September – 149 days – nature lovers and keen gardeners are invited to the 4th Thüringer Landesgartenschau, or horticultural show, at the historic Herressener Promenade in Apolda. ‘Blossoms and so much more’ is the…


7 April – 1 May 2017
Thuringian Bach Weeks (Thüringer Bachwochen),
Thuringia’s biggest music festival – venues throughout the state

2 – 5 June 2017
Thuringian Castle Days (Thüringer Schlössertage),
Enlightened! Old treasures and new faith…