Contact us

State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

Dept. Investment, International Business and Cluster Promotion

Mainzerhofstraße 12
99084 Erfurt
Phone: +49 (0) 361 5603-450
Fax: +49 (0) 361 5603-328
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| Invest in Thüringen

Thuringia’s international representatives come to town

Insider knowledge and good contacts ‘on the ground’ are absolutely essential for any business that wants to enter international markets, so LEG Thüringen works with experienced specialists around the world to save Thuringian companies spending too much time in search of contacts.

On June 22, the second day of the international representatives’ forum in Erfurt, business people took the opportunity to discuss their company’s chances of success in each particular target market with experts who had come especially for the purpose from Russia, Vietnam, China, Brazil and India. These representatives have in-depth knowledge of the cultural norms and business practices in their home countries and are familiar with the latest trends there as well as any bureaucratic obstacles that might have to be dealt with in order to be successful in that market. Participants then went to the automotive sector day to hear about the latest trends and developments in that area in Thuringia.

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Thuringia’s international representatives come to town

In June, entrepreneurs took the opportunity to receive specialist advice for their export business from Thuringia’s international representatives. Photo: LEG Thüringen, Photographer: Andreas Hultsch