Thuringia is well equipped for the future to remain a dynamic location for the automotive industry. This is the result of the study from the Chemnitz Automotive Institute (CATI) commissioned by the Thuringian government. The study off ers new insights for important industry players as well as for companies and investors interested in setting up business in Thuringia. It concludes that 5,000 additional jobs may be created in the Thuringian automotive industry by the year 2030 thanks to the emergence of new markets and the development of new products and industrial processes.
Thuringia’s auto industry possesses outstanding business and technical expertise in the areas of bodywork, car interiors and auto electricity and electronics. Especially in the last mentioned field which is relevant for future topics such as autonomous driving and e-mobility Thuringia has great potential; for this sector CATI forecasts employment growth that may reach 30 percent. In order to realize the opportunities available, Thuringia’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Wolfgang Tiefensee, recently announced a “Thuringian Automotive Agenda.” Meanwhile, Thuringia continues to build a business environment that favors investments. On announcing the findings of the study in Weimar, the Minister promised, “we will continue to consolidate technology clusters in vanguard fields like fuel cells, sensors, and e-mobility. We will support innovative research projects on topics like intelligent multi-material design, interiors of the future and ‘seeing motor vehicles’, and we intend to augment the supply of skilled workers through Marketing measures and through projects for raising skill levels.” (hw)
Here is the study: <link https: tiefenanalyse-automotiv>