The Thuringian Innovation Award is a benchmark for inventions and new developments in Thuringia and recognizes outstanding innovations developed in the state. It is awarded in four main categories: “Tradition and Future” (winner: Fliegl Fahrzeugbau GmbH), “Light and Life” (Synantec GmbH/EICMED GmbH), “Digital and Media” (KupTec GmbH) and “Industry and Materials” (Schulz & Berger Luft- und Verfahrenstechnik GmbH). The 100,000-euro prizes are provided by the Economics Ministry. Other prizes included the Special Award for Start-Ups, endowed by the Funke Media Group at 10,000 euros (DeepEn GmbH). This year, the Ernst Abbe Award for Innovative Entrepreneurship went to Viktoria Schütz (DEGUMA Schütz GmbH), while REHA aktiv 2000 GmbH claimed the Public Choice Award. The 46 candidates were evaluated based on their innovativeness, entrepreneurial excellence, sustainability, utility and financial success. (hw/maa)