At the end of November, a 20-member delegation from Thuringia traveled to the Netherlands with Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI). The main objective of GTAI’s ISW program was to establish contacts for Thuringian companies in the semiconductor, sensor technology and high-performance ceramics sectors and interest Dutch companies in Thuringia as a place to invest.
The itinerary was very promising, including a visit to the high-tech Eindhoven campus, the “smartest square kilometer in Europe”. This proud title is no coincidence: the site is absolutely packed with 300 innovative companies from various application areas. The delegation also visited ASML, the largest supplier of lithography systems for the semiconductor industry. The tour included Delft and Amsterdam as well. Finally, the delegates attended an investor event with fascinating presentations and a German-Dutch Hightech Forum for networking with players in semiconductor technologies, sensor technology, high-performance ceramics and next-generation semiconductors. (maa)