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State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

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Technology News

Demonstrating faith in medical technology from Jena. Alere Technologies GmbH in Jena can move forward with developing testing processes that will help diagnose tuberculosis and HIV, thanks to support from Bill and Melinda Gates.
The Jena-based medical technology company is to receive about US $38 million to construct a production line for the series production of rapid tests to identify tuberculosis and HIV. The testing kits will be compact, robust, portable and able to be used wherever patients are, so as to meet the needs of countries with limited resources. Alere Technologies in Jena will receive a low-interest loan of around US $20 million from the Gates Foundation and a donation of US $18 million from its parent company in the US, Alere Inc., which is also to receive research funding from the Foundation. In return, the Alere group has undertaken to offer the products to countries most severely affected by tuberculosis and HIV at a reduced price. (kö)