at starts its fourth quarter of 2017 with a new address and new managing director: Rico Chmelik heads one of the largest industry networks in Thuringia from the company’s Ilmenau headquarters. Started in 2000 with just eight companies, the at network now counts over 100 member companies, which currently employ around 30,000 people and have revenues of about EUR 4.42 billion and an export volume of EUR 1.16 billion.
The automotive and automotive supplier industry is facing significant shifts in the face of product, process and market changes, both within and outside of Thuringia. It makes even more sense to network closely at an early stage and actively support this process. As a result, at and the PolymerMat plastics cluster will cooperate and exchange ideas in the future, especially in the field of lightweight construction. Thanks to the geographical proximity to the Ilmenau University of Technology and the Thuringian Innovation Center for Mobility (ThIMo), there is also a close link between the automotive industry and automobile-related science. (gro)
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