Number of MINT graduates in Thuringia especially high
Research by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) on the number of graduates with majors in mathematics, informatics, natural sciences and technology, known collectively as MINT subjects, puts Germany nearly at the top of the international list.
When the numbers for Thuringia are assessed in this framework, one of the ‘plus factors’ of the state really comes to the fore: the large pool of highly educated and motivated workforce in the region. With reference to the total number of graduates in Thuringia, approximately 36 percent of them have majored in a MINT subject. Our exceptional universities, with their focus on technical and scientific subjects and being regularly put on first places in university rankings, can take a good deal of the credit, too. (maa)
Graduates with MINT majors (as a percentage of the total) Source: Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW), MINT report – autumn 2014, German Federal Statistical Office, 2012, Wiesbaden