| Invest in Thüringen
Meiningen - Weisskopf Werkzeuge GmbH is expanding in Meiningen and invests EUR 6.5 million in new machinery and a new production hall. The investment will create further 18 jobs and shows yet again how the innovative, quality products from Thuringian small- and medium-sized companies have won the state a reputation as a place where business and technology excel. International companies in the automotive, aviation, engineering and toolmaking sectors, such as Robert Bosch, ThyssenKrupp, Continental, Brose, Sandvik and INA Schaeffler know and appreciate the value of Weisskopf’s carbide and diamond tools.
Erfurt - Latin America was the topic of the 8th Thuringian Foreign Trade Day (Außenwirtschaftstag). Particular focus was put on Brazil, Argentina and the Pacific Alliance with the economies of Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Costa Rica. Business people from Thuringia met experts from each subregion to find out how to access their markets and there was a panel on the topics of export financing and credit guarantees, which are critical for companies when entering emerging markets.