In its “Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization” (RIS 3), the European Commission called on countries and regions to come up with workable strategies to promote research and innovation. The amount of funding to come Thuringia’s way in the next EU structural funds period (2014 to 2020) will depend on the strategy it develops. All parties involved are drawing up a plan, under the leadership and coordination of the Thuringia Ministry of the Economy.
In the first step, representatives from the economy, science, intermediaries and civil society were offered the opportunity to participate in a far-reaching online survey and contribute their ideas for a future research and innovation strategy. Once the survey was completed and numerous experts had been interviewed, the initial results were presented and discussed at two round table meetings at the end of November. The areas of specialization that began to emerge will be incorporated in the RIS 3 Thuringia strategy. (gro)
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