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State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

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Luther’s Bible translation shapes tourist theme year

Martin Luther and his artistic contemporaries will be the focus of the 2022 tourist theme year in Thuringia. Exhibitions and events will focus on Luther’s stay at Wartburg Castle near Eisenach 500 years ago – along with the Bible translation that he penned at the castle that deeply affected German literature, music and art.

“Translate the world. Read, hear, see language in Thuringia” – this is the title of the theme year advertised by Thüringer Tourismus GmbH (TTG). The theme year is dedicated to the exhibition “Luther translates. 500 Years of the New Testament at Wartburg Castle,” which highlights the translation of the Bible with original sources and media examples. Other events in the theme year focus on Lucas Cranach the Elder, an artist and contemporary of Luther who accompanied the reformer and his writings with portraits and drawings, and Johann Sebastian Bach, who also created countless musical pieces in Thuringia 200 years later with references to Luther’s work and the Lutheran faith.

For information on events featuring these two artists and other Luther-related events in the theme year, visit (hw)

Left many traces in Thuringia: The reformer Martin Luther. Photo: Thüringer Tourismus GmbH

Left many traces in Thuringia: The reformer Martin Luther. Photo: Thüringer Tourismus GmbH