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International success for the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

The World University Ranking is published once a year by Times Higher Education (THE). It is one of the most internationally recognized rankings in the university sector. In the latest survey, the Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) of Jena moved up one place, ending up ranked 21st among German universities. It ranks in the top 20 in Germany and the top 12 percent worldwide for teaching. On research quality, FSU scored 83 points (previously 81.8). This puts it in 18th place among German universities. The university also remained within the 201-250 tier of worldwide overall rankings. 

“This is a major accomplishment for the university since international university rankings are one of the most important tools for recruiting students and researchers,” said University President Prof. Dr. Andreas Marx. 
The ranking methodology includes 18 indicators that assess factors such as teaching, research and international outlook. Internationally, the University of Oxford leads the rankings, followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University. (maa)

View of the large physics lecture hall.

View of the large physics lecture hall. Photo: FSU Jena, Jens Meyer