Ilmenau University of Technology receives approval to build a new center of competence, ‘Mittelstand 4.0’ (Mid-sized sector 4.0), designed to enable Thuringian companies to maximize the growth and competitive benefits of industrial digitalization in the future.
Continual advances in modern information technologies, and the way they are being integrated in all processes, technologies and sectors, is posing huge challenges for more and more companies. At the same time, digitalization of the workplace offers opportunities for growth that the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) estimates as being worth additional turnover of EUR 200 to 400 billion in Germany by 2025.
As one of 10 such centers of competence in Germany, the Thuringian center will soon begin its work of supporting small- and medium-sized companies in the state with all aspects of digitalization and the application of Industry 4.0. Members of the consortium, under the leadership of the Thuringian Center for Mechanical Engineering (ThZM) at Ilmenau University of Technology, are putting together an application for funding. Existing initiatives, such as the ‘Wirtschaft 4.0’ Thuringian Center of Competence and the State Development Corporation of Thuringia’s broadband center of competence, will be closely linked with the Thuringian Center for Mechanical Engineering. (gro)
Technologies for automating production processes, including for manufacturing automobiles, are increasingly in demand. Source: shutterstock/Blaz Kure