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State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

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Ilmenau University ranked top of the class

Students at Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) get a top-level education, according to the latest ranking by the CHE, or Center for Higher Education Development (Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung), in which the university scored well in several categories.
Each year the CHE studies more than 300 universities and other higher education institutions in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands. As well as assessing the courses, teaching, facilities and research, the
ranking takes into account the opinions of more than 250,000 students. TU Ilmenau led the field in mechatronics and ranked third in engineering, information technology and electrical engineering. “In recent years our university has convincingly reinforced its reputation as an excellent place to train,” says Vicechancellor Peter Scharff. The university also ranked highly in terms of ‘research funding per academic’ for electrical engineering and information technology. This reflects the high level of research at the university, which has always placed great value on relating the education it provides to its students closely with the real world and maintaining close links with businesses and industry. (kö)