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State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

Dept. Investment, International Business and Cluster Promotion

Mainzerhofstraße 12
99084 Erfurt
Phone: +49 (0) 361 5603-450
Fax: +49 (0) 361 5603-328
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| Invest in Thüringen

Germany’s top managers love Weimar

Weimar and Erfurt are on the list of cities whose residents enjoy a pleasant, attractive and cultural environment, according to a national survey of 5,000 companies in 100 independent towns and cities conducted by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW).
Weimar is Number One on the list in terms of cultural leisure activities, which achieved a 100-percent satisfaction rate. The state capital of Erfurt is Number Two, followed by the major cities of Dresden, Hamburg and Munich. As the survey also shows, an attractive environment as far as cultural, sporting and leisure activities are concerned is particularly attractive to managers and is increasingly influencing where they choose to reside. Young managers and their families are moving to cities that feature ‘soft’ location factors. LEG, the State Development Corporation of Thuringia, can confirm the reality of this trend, as it has always mentioned the state’s attractive lifestyle to investors and skilled workers who are deciding where to go. These days, people do not just consider the workplace and their contract; they also want a wide range of services and options for their families and leisure time.