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Chasing criminals with the aid of a ten-print scanner

With the world’s smallest ten-print scanner, Jenetric GmbH from Jena is causing quite a stir. The FBI-certified scanner is a useful tool in a wide range of applications.

It is small. Very small. Weighing just 113 grams and measuring only 11 by 12 centimeters, it is the smallest of its kind, but is still able to do a great job. “We have reduced the size, weight and power consumption of the scanner to a minimum and are able to offer our customers a made-tomeasure solution for the development of portable detection kits and mobile devices,” states Roberto Wolfer, one of the founders and managing directors of the Jena-based biometrics company. The tenprint scanner can be easily fitted into mobile devices or special case solutions. As a result, the scanner not only facilitates the work of criminalists. The innovation from Jena also makes the performance of mobile border controls or the registration of voters much easier. (gro)

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Chasing criminals with the aid of a ten-print scanner

The ten-print scanner LIVETOUCH® quattro of Jenetric. Photo: JENETRIC GmbH