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State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

Dept. Investment, International Business and Cluster Promotion

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99084 Erfurt
Phone: +49 (0) 361 5603-450
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Building facades in Weimar come alive

When the second video mapping and facade projection festival ‘Genius loci’ begins in Weimar on 8 August, the facades of the city’s historic buildings will come alive and tell rich, multi-layered stories.
Skillfully blending the historic spirit of the city and a projection technique known as video mapping, the artists in the cutting-edge three-day festival will create a world of entirely new cultural experiences. Once darkness falls, the video artists will use large-format projectors to bring the facades of the Wittumspalais, the main building of Bauhaus University and the inner courtyard of the Stadtschloss (City Castle) to life and present the history of Weimar as it has never been presented before. Matching the projected images to the buildings with utter precision and incorporating audiovisual elements, they transform static buildings into a narrative medium. It’s a spectacle that must be seen to be believed! (kö)