Food Industry in Thuringia

What do Thuringian bratwurst and Brandt zwieback have in common? They are both made in Thuringia. With good reason, too: the region offers a unique combination of tradition, cus-tomer intimacy and cost-efficient production.


Thuringia has an excellent reputation in food production. The sector has been among the top revenue sources for years. Flexible, medium-sized companies benefit from Thuringia’s repu-tation as being home to first-class quality products. The Free State is actively building on this goodwill for Thuringian food products: It does agricultural marketing, guards the certificates of origin and awards the quality seal „Tested Quality – Thuringia “.

Facts and Figures

  • ca. 450 companies
  • ca. 24,300 employees
  • more than 4 billion Euros sales
  • geographical proximity to markets with great purchasing power
  • specialized research institutions
  • committed industry networks

Key products

  • Meat and sausage products
  • Fruit and vegetable processing
  • Confectionery
  • Bread and pastries
  • Frozen foods
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Condiments and seasoning
  • Soft drinks and mineral water
  • Breweries
  • Wine and Spirits


Individual, competent, non-bureaucratic and flexible.

Thüringer Ernährungsnetzwerk e.V.

Kooperativ, konstruktiv und kompetent

Downloads and information


  • Factsheet Food Industry

    Thuringia is a hot spot for the food industry. The Free State in the center of Germany enjoys a towering reputation for Food. (Not barrier-free file)

    Download[pdf, 332 KB]



Axel Wipprecht

Axel Wipprecht Director Environmental Technologies, Bioeconomy and Food Industry

Invest in Thuringia

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