ZHT Holzverwertung-GmbH & Co. KG
- Phone: +49 (0)36651/3987 - 0
- email: d.michel(at)zht-holzverwertung.de
- Internet: www.zollikofer.de
- Location: Gewerbegebiet/Am Bahnhof 132, D-07929 Saalburg-Ebersdorf
- Legal representative: Herr Stefan Zollikofer (Geschäftsführer), Herr Dr. Philipp Hill (Geschäftsführer), Herr Tillman J. Rilling (Geschäftsführer)
- Contact: Frau Doreen Michel-Fischer (Betriebsleiterin)
- processing of fresh and used wood
- bark refinement
- logistics services
- wood processing for final products
Further information
- in 1999, the investment was started as foundation member of the 1st Integrated Wood Material Centre in Germany