Wolf Drucklufttechnik GmbH
- Phone: +49 (0)36482/411 - 0
- email: info(at)luft-wolf.de
- Internet: www.luft-wolf.de
- Location: Zeppelinstr. 11, D-07819 Triptis
- Legal representative: Herr Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Peter Wolf (Geschäftsführer)
- Contact: Herr Teuber (Projektierung)
- Planning and installation of compressed air generation systems and compressed air networks as well as component maintenance - Repair and trade of compressors, compressed air and electric tools - Trade and repair of Kärcher cleaning technology - Hydraulic workshop (production of hydraulic hoses) - Shop (fittings, hoses, tools, etc.) - Rental park (mobile compressors, cleaning equipment, construction tools, CO2 and sand steel technology, etc.)
Further information
- Founded in 1990. - Product range (selection): KAESER compressors, KÄRCHER cleaning technology, BOSCH power tools.
Quality management according to DIN EN ISO 90001, specialist company according to WHG