RK Landschaftsbau Dittersdorf GmbH
- Phone: +49 (0)36648/30 20
- email: info(at)rk-dittersdorf.de
- Internet: www.rk-dittersdorf.de
- Location: Ortsstraße 78, D-07907 Dittersdorf
- Legal representative: Herr Henry Kämmerle (Geschäftsführer), Herr Matthias Räse (Geschäftsführer)
- Contact: Herr Henry Kämmerle (Geschäftsführer)
- Carrying out landscaping work of all kinds, in particular topsoil covering work, seeding (technical greening), gabion construction, steep slope stabilisation work, slope stabilisation through green shoring, slope drainage, renaturation of bodies of water, earthworks and civil engineering work, horticulture and the like, as well as the purchase, development and marketing of building plots, new construction and renovation of detached houses/multi-family houses.
Further information
- Founded in 2004.