OliWooD Computerservice Inh. Oliver Golsch
- Phone: +49 (0)3641/2177000
- email: info(at)oliwood-jena.de
- Internet: www.oliwood-jena.de
- Location: Keßlerstraße 27, D-07745 Jena
- Legal representative: Herr Oliver Golsch (Inhaber)
- Contact: Herr Oliver Golsch (Inhaber)
- free analysis and repair offers - IT-company support, network/system solutions - IT-services according to request and function - computer repair service, workshop / on-site service - distribution / trade of hard- and software on request - distribution of electronic articles of all kinds - repair of malfunctions, defects, error messages, data backup, data rescue - individual IT-complete solutions per offer - web design & maintenance