Electrotechnical Solutions GmbH
- Phone: +49 (0)3647/4310 90
- email: info(at)e-t-solutions.de
- Internet: www.e-t-solutions.de
- Location: Malmsgelänge 11, D-07381 Pößneck
- Legal representative: Frau Simone Franke (Geschäftsführerin), Herr Mario Franke (Geschäftsführer)
- Contact: Herr Mario Franke (Geschäftsführer)
- Planning, design, development, production and distribution of electronic control systems - Services in the field of electrical engineering - Trade with products of the electrical industry - Management consultancy in the field of electrical systems and automation
- robot systems - switch cabinets - intelligent charging stations for electric vehicles
R&D focus
- automation technology - robotics - industry 4.0 - electric mobility - charging technology
ISO 9001:2015 ISO 1401:2015