Contact us

State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

Dept. Investment, International Business and Cluster Promotion

Mainzerhofstraße 12
99084 Erfurt
Phone: +49 (0) 361 5603-450
Fax: +49 (0) 361 5603-328
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Research & Innovation in Thuringia

Thuringia has a broad spectrum of outstanding science and research institutions. In addition to 14 universities and universities of applied sciences, these include 19 non-university institutions of renowned German scientific communities.

Top-class environment for innovation

Investors and companies will find a top-class environment for innovation in Thuringia. About 10,000 scientists are doing research at more than 40 institutes and universities in close cooperation with businesses.

The research landscape includes renowned non-university institutions such as the Fraunhofer and Max Planck Society as well as the Helmholtz and Leibniz Society. In addition, there exist a number of high-profile industry-oriented research institutions and the Thuringian universities.

Visit our “Scientific Showroom” to find the right research outlet, their areas of specialization and their offers for research partnerships with businesses. We will be pleased to make contacts with the relevant researchers for you. Thuringia is actively working to further improve the conditions for innovation in our state.

Research has a long tradition in Thuringia


Carl Zeiss and Ernst Abbe produce the first mathematically calculated microscope


State Bauhaus founded in Weimar (school for art, design and architecture)


BMW produces first car in Eisenach


Zeiss develops the MKF 6 multispectral camera for photos of the Earth's surface from space


Prof. Karlheinz Brandenburg, developer of the mp3 standard, heads the Fraunhofer Institute IDMT in Ilmenau


Foundation of the Center for Innovation Competence SEPTOMICS (sepsis research)


Sensoren von Jena-Optronik sorgen für erfolgreiche Andockmanöver an der ISS


UV sensors and photodiodes from Jena can be found in NASA's Mars rover "Curiosity"


DLR Institute of Data Science establishes a research institute for "Smart and Big Data" in Jena

The Thuringian Innovation Strategy

The goal of the Thuringian Innovation Strategy (RIS3 Thuringia) is to promote the development of promising fields of specialization in the state. These fields include:

  • Industrial production and Systems
  • Sustainable and smart mobility and logistics
  • Healthy living and the healthcare sector
  • Sustainable energy supply and resource management
  • ICT, innovative and production-related  services as a cross-sectoral field.

The implementation of this Innovation Strategy is coordinated by the Thuringian Cluster Management, which has its offices at LEG Thüringen and promotes the development of industrial clusters in the Free State.

Science Showroom

Find out about the many opportunities for partnerships with Thuringian science and research institutions!


Individual, competent, non-bureaucratic and flexible.

Company Database

Are you looking for cooperation partners in industry or science? Our Company database helps you select from a great variety of companies based in Thuringia.

Herbert Stütz

Herbert Stütz Head of Department

Investment, International Business and Cluster Promotion

Please contact us.